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Leadership Training for Ministry to Men

Leadership Training for Ministry to Men. The greatest challenge we face in our society leading men to make positive contributions s in their families, churches, and communities. To achieve this we need to reach men for Christ and disciple them. This requires men who are trained to lead effective ministries – to men over the long term, and to disciple every man. Listed below are options for developing an effective leadership team.

Know the No Man Left Behind (NMLB) model. View the ten-minute model overview.

Video-Based Training. The video-based No Man Left Behind Courseware is a convenient way to equip your leaders to build a customized discipleship process using the No Man Left Behind Model, on your schedule, at your pace, for your church.

No Man Left Behind 3D: Develop, Disciple, and Deploy is the newest leadership training course offered by Man in the Mirror. Over 1 1/2 days of teaching, discussion, planning, and consultation, your leadership team will build an ongoing game plan to reach ALL your men with a powerful vision and sustainable strategy.

The Journey to Biblical Manhood (JBM): Based on lessons-learned from working with thousands of churches over 25 years, Man in the Mirror has prepared the Journey to Biblical Manhood (JBM)--a proven way to overcome the challenges of launching or advancing your ministry to men. JBM is a process that can be customized to any church or denomination.  JBM is based on the NMLB model. JBM also suggests resources for creating, capturing and sustaining your ministry. It is provided on a subscription basis with subscription fees based on the size of the church.

The Go Box is a step by step process that allows leadership teams to learn the NMLB process while applying it. In nine weeks your church will recruit new leaders and cast vision, train them, kick-off ministry with an event, disciple men in groups, and connect them to long-term growth opportunities.