Capture-events build on the interest generated by create events. These are workshops, seminars or conferences that address the challenges men face from a Biblical perspective. a create event, the next right step for your men is to capture interest. Some may need more of the create momentum activities to build confidence in moving onto activities with deeper spiritual content. Others may be ready to go deeper spiritually. Capture-events build on the interest generated by create events. These are workshops, seminars or conferences that address the challenges men face from a Biblical perspective.
A look at leading men along on their spiritual journey
Enthusiasm and success can often lead to excess. I have seen this in my own church and in hundreds of churches across the Northeast. A team of men put something on for the men in their church and the men actually come! The organizers are surprised (shocked) at the turnout, and they immediately organize several other similar events. Sooner or later the men stop coming and what was once a true entry level event for men associated with the local church has turned into a small group of the same men.
Short-Term Mission trips are great ways to move a man along the wide to deep journey. The man in the early part of his spiritual journey will experience what it means to be a part of a productive team.