Once a man has become a part of a men's fellowship and understands the importance of spiritual growth, it is important to have a somewhat structured approach to spiritual development and spiritual transformation. In other words disciplemaking. Sustaining activities are discipling ministries including men’s small groups or one-to-one mentoring. Men grow spiritually in a safe, friendly environment where they can deal honestly with the issues they face.
Hebrew Education and Discipling. Education is important to the advancement of a culture. God chose the Hebrews as his people, and they established a method for bring up their children imersed in the law and prophets.
Jesus Model for Disciplemaking. Jesus is the example for building his kingdom through his people. First, it was by example, then by relationships, and finally by mentoring.
What is a Disciple and How Do You Make One? A disciple is one who follows. In the church, it is a person who does greater things than Jesus.