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Sustaining the Ministry through Relationships

Notice that building relationships is a key element in creating, capturing and now sustaining ministry to men. We are talking about sustaining the ministry. At the same time we are discussion sustaining the spiritual growth of our men.

Relationships: Key to an Effective Men's Ministry. But you already knew that, didn’t you? What you want to know is how to encourage your men to develop relationships. Read more...

The Power of Mentoring. Recently National Geographic featured an article on orphaned elephants in Kenya, and a relatively new program to help save these endangered animals. Elephants are some of the family-oriented and intelligent animals that share the planet with us. Attempts in the past to save these elephants, orphaned by war or poachers, and reintroduce them into the wild have not been very successful. According to the article, elephants can exhibit signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Discipling Men: One to One, Then Two to One. Rev. Cade Christensen, pastor of Living Hope Alliance Church, Huntsville, AL, has built his ministry around intentional friendship evangelism, personal discipleship and small groups. C&MA Men’s Ministry (MM) recently interviewed Pastor Christensen regarding his approach to discipling men. Read more...

Disciple Makers. Who are the Disciple Makers?  What are their qualities?  Clickhere to find out.

Discipling Process Through Christ-Centered Relationships. Click here to see a one-page chart showing the discipling process

Discipling the Next Generation of Leaders. What do pastors say are the qualities they desire to see in men?  Click here to find out.

One-on-One Discipling: One Pastors Approach. Alliance pastor, Rev. John Janney, makes discipling men a key component of his ministry.  C&MA Men’s Ministry (MM) recently interviewed Pastor Janney regarding his approach to discipling men. Read more...

Mentoring. The purpose of men’s ministry is to move men from the bleachers onto the playing field through building relationships, encouragement, and discipling. The most effective means of discipling men is in a male only environment. This can be in a large group, a small group or a one-on-one relationship. This article focuses on the one-on-one relationship. Read more...

What is a Disciple and How Do You Make One?By Patrick Morley.  Tom walked up to John and said, “Will you disciple me?” John nearly keeled over. He felt overwhelmingly inadequate.
How would you react to this question? Would you have felt a surge of confidence? Or would you have felt a bit uneasy? Perhaps, like John, you would have been eager to say, “Yes,” but not quite sure about what saying, “Yes,” would actually mean.
What is a disciple and how do you make one? Read more...

The Hebrew Definition of a Disciple. Pastor and author Bill Hull urges believers to reclaim the biblical or Hebrew model for discipleship. That includes: Submitting to a teacher who teaches him or her how to follow Jesus. Read more...

Jesus' Model for Disciplemaking. Early Ministry: Jesus had already begun His public ministry when He called His disciples. The disciples accompanied Him, getting to know Him and listening as He taught the multitudes. It was a time of building relationships. During this period of his ministry, Jesus prepared His disciples for life. Read more...

Discipling Men. Equip Men for the Battle.

Jesus' Model for Disciplemaking.Jesus model for making disciples is the standard - even today. Jesus preached to the multitudes. He had hundreds of disciples. However, he focused his attention on a few. How do you make disciples? Do you follow Jesus model?

The Hebrew Definition of a Disciple. Pastor and author Bill Hull urges believers to reclaim the biblical model for discipleship. Read more... Read more...

Reaching Men for Christ. What Leaders Have to Say About Reaching Young Men for Christ.
The theme of this issue of Equipping the Man in the Mirror is "Reaching Younger Men for Christ." We asked our Field Network Leaders to give us their insight into this important issue. Check out these answers from men's ministry leaders: ...  Read more... Read more...

Getting It Right. Tools for Discipling Men. We are losing generations of men because older men are not taking seriously the task of making disciples of younger men. Getting It Right contains a serious of brochures that provide a simple format for generating disciplemaking discussions between men. Read more...